FOI 25-049 Bizarre Calls

Freedom of Information Request

FOI 25-049 Bizarre Calls
Request Date
27 Jan 2025
Response Date
19 Feb 2025
Information Requested

I'm wondering if under FOISA you would be able to tell me the 10 most bizarre phone calls received by the service last year (2024). Is it possible to get a regional breakdown and find out the 10 most bizarre calls for each of the north east (Aberdeen and Shire), Fife and Tayside? Could you also give me the 10 most bizarre for the whole of Scotland too? How many of the calls received by the Scottish Ambulance Service last year in each of Scotland, the north east, Fife and Tayside weren't an emergency?  


The Scottish Ambulance Service does not categorise calls in such a way that we can provide information on ‘bizarre’ calls; it is for this reason we have applied section 17 to your request for ‘bizarre calls’ as information not held.  

The table below details the number of non-emergency calls by health boards from 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024.  HCP Scheduled is defined by requests-to-attend incidents received from other Health Care Professionals.  Routine calls are defined as calls that we need to facilitate that are a low acuity and don't have a time specified.  Emergency calls have been provided for reference. 

Response Documents

FOI 25 049 Calls Received (XLS | 26KB)