Stakeholder Newsletter - 22/09/2020

Welcome to the latest edition of the Scottish Ambulance Service’s Stakeholder Briefing. This briefing contains an overview of the latest news from the service

John Burnham awarded QAM

Well done to John Burnham, Associate Director of Care Quality & Professional Development, Scottish Ambulance Service, for being awarded the Queen's Ambulance Service Medal

Learning CPR

CPR Same but different

640,790 Scots equipped with CPR skills

Mum: 'I am so thankful'

A mum who did not realise she was in labour until she was delivering has thanked the two “amazing” paramedics who delivered her baby boy at home

Mum thanks SAS after son born in ambulance

A woman who gave birth only two days after she found out she was pregnant has thanked the emergency responders who helped deliver her baby