SAS share base with Fire Service: "We are delighted to co-locate"

The Scottish Ambulance Service is now sharing facilities with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in Ayrshire, which will extend response capabilities and help to protect communities.
Located at Dreghorn Fire Station is one Scottish Ambulance Service emergency ambulance which is available 24 hours a day, while at Ardrossan Fire Station, there are two emergency ambulances, one available 24 hours with the second ambulance operating during peak times.
The Scottish Ambulance Service already occupies space in other fire stations around Scotland. This partnership working brings resources closer to local communities as well as benefiting the staff of both emergency services.
This partnership in Ayrshire is the result of a local collaborative group which comprises the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), the Scottish Ambulance Service and Police Scotland.
Michael Harmjanz, Head of Service for Scottish Ambulance Service, said: “The past 12 months have been the busiest in terms of recruitment for the Scottish Ambulance Service and we are delighted to have co-located to these new bases alongside our emergency services colleagues at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. We look forward to working with them and building on existing relationships.
“There is now an aspect of multi-agency working and training that can take place between both services and as well as being a great new base for our staff, this move ensures that we continue to provide the very best care to patients in these communities.”
Area Commander Ian McMeekin is SFRS Local Senior Officer for Ayrshire. He said : “This is an excellent opportunity for us to further consolidate an already strong working relationship between the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Ambulance Service.
“Co-location of services brings a number of benefits for our organisations, but particularly in terms of the opportunities for regular joint working and interaction, which will benefit the local community.
“We would like to welcome our Scottish Ambulance Service colleagues into Dreghorn and Ardrossan Fire Stations.”
Posted on 28/04/2023