Mum 'forever grateful' to SAS staff after early birth
A Mum who gave birth nine weeks early has sent a heartfelt thanks to the Scottish Ambulance Service staff who helped the safe delivery of her son.
31 weeks pregnant, Lynsey Mccourt, of Dalry, North Ayrshire, was at home when she was woken by a “popping feeling”.
She looked down and was haemorrhaging. Sensing she needed to go to hospital urgently, she called her husband, Kenny, 36 and a coach driver, and then phoned 999 and reached call handler Paige Sawers
Lynsey, 34 and a senior care assistant, praised the call handler, and also the ambulance crew of Kieran Donnelly and Scott Wright from Kilbirnie Station, who were dispatched by Lucy McMahon.
She said she would be “forever grateful” for the care she received during the safe delivery of her baby, Leo, her fourth child.
Speaking of the incident, she said: “I got woken up at 5am with a popping feeling; I looked down and my bed was covered in blood.
“I phoned my husband then the ambulance. The call handler on the phone kept me talking and kept me calm. I have other kids, who I had woken up in the panic, and I was able to stay calm for them as the call handler spoke to me through it all until the paramedics arrived.
“The paramedics got me straight in the ambulance and to the hospital really quickly. and the maternity staff were waiting for me outside when we arrived at the hospital.
In Crosshouse Hospital, she said she received a blood transfusion, having lost two litres of blood.
She added: “Because everyone did their job so fantastically, I got to the hospital very quickly and doctors were able to deliver my baby safely.
“My baby boy had a few wee blips with his lungs and chest but again the doctors did an incredible job to resolve these.
“Leo is now 7 and half month old now, is thriving and has no other issues with his health.
“Every person who cared for us before and after I delivered my baby were amazing and compassionate - I am forever grateful the care we received.
“I would also love to say a massive thank you to all the staff in maternity Crosshouse NICU for taking care of our son.
“All the nurses and doctors are angels in my book and deserve all the respect. The care they provide in there to babies and families that are going through something as scary as this is amazing.”

Posted on 18/01/2023