Meet the Board Members

Tom Steele, Chair
Tom Steele was appointed as Chair of the Scottish Ambulance Service Board on 1 June 2018. From 2014 until this appointment, he served as a Non-Executive Board member and Chair of the Audit Committee at NHS Lanarkshire and as a member of the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board. Currently Tom also co-chairs the National Health and Social Care Innovation Design Authority Board and chairs the National Group for Volunteering in NHS Scotland. Previously he spent his career in management consultancy with KPMG and then in the IT industry, where for 20 years he held various senior executive positions with Fujitsu UK. Tom has wide leadership and corporate governance experience of large, complex organisations.
Tom was reappointed for a further four years from 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2026.

Michael Dickson OBE, Chief Executive
Michael Dickson was appointed as Chief Executive of the Scottish Ambulance Service from 1 July 2023.
Michael was Chief Executive of NHS Shetland from January 2020 and also took on interim Chief Executive of NHS Orkney later that same year. He was awarded an OBE in the 2023 New Year Honours in recognition of his services to healthcare in his role as Chief Executive during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is a qualified nurse and has worked in both the NHS and independent sectors, holding Director of Nursing positions in both. Before joining NHS Shetland, he worked as a Director at the NHS England Improvement programme ‘Getting it Right First Time’ leading the support to clinicians addressing unwarranted variation in care.

Elizabeth Humphreys, Non Executive Director and Whistleblowing Champion
Elizabeth Humphreys has over 30 years of leadership experience in the public and third sectors in the areas of justice; marine management; culture; and health and social care. She has extensive board-level strategic, policy and governance experience, with particular expertise in assurance and risk management; championing equality and diversity; leading change; and business resilience. She is currently a non-executive director and the Whistleblowing Champion for the Scottish Ambulance Service and Public Health Scotland. She is also Vice-Chair of Independent Living Fund Scotland and a member of the Police Investigations and Review Commission Audit and Accountability Committee. Her voluntary roles include: Chair of Drake Music Scotland; and Trustee and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee for the Scottish Association for Mental Health.
Elizabeth is a member of the Service’s Clinical Governance Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Elizabeth's second term of appointment is for four years and runs from 01 February 2024 to 31 January 2028.

Stuart Currie, Non Executive Director
Stuart Currie has spent over 12 years in local government as an elected councillor in East Lothian serving in a variety of roles with responsibility for housing, community safety and, until recently, as a member of the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership’s Integrated Joint Board. This experience brings a wide range of skills and knowledge of both local government and the public sector. Latterly he has served at national level as the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) Interim Spokesperson for Health and Social Care with responsibility for Health and Social Care Integration, Mental Health and Public Health giving him a detailed working knowledge of Integration across the entire public, private and independent sector. In addition he brings wide ranging experience of working with a variety of partners and stakeholders, chairing and participating in policy development boards and representing local government at a number of public facing events and forums to further develop key relationships.
Stuart’s second term of appointment is for four years and runs from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2027.

Cecil Meiklejohn, Non Executive Director
Cecil Meiklejohn has spent over 25 years working within local government in a variety of roles, including as a voluntary sector partner and latterly as an elected councillor which enables her to bring a broad range of skills and knowledge, particularly of the public sector. In her elected capacity she is currently the Leader of Falkirk Council, Chair of the Community Planning Partnership and a member of the Integrated Joint Board. Her previous positions as a non executive director with the Care Inspectorate and in her current elected role, includes leading on areas such as Strategic Planning and working with a broad range of partners, through Community Planning Partnership and COSLA, giving her a working knowledge of the Health and Local and National Government agendas which is key at this time to the further integration of Health and Social Care.
Cecil is a member of the Service’s Staff Governance Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Cecil’s second term of appointment is for four years and runs from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2024.

Irene Oldfather, Non Executive Director and Vice Chair
Irene Oldfather joined the Board in April 2018 and brings a range of Third Sector, parliamentary and Health and Social Care experience. She is currently Director with the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland and brings a strong background in citizen participation and engagement. As a member of Scottish Parliament (1999 – 2011), Irene set up and chaired the Cross Party Group on Alzheimer’s and Dementia which drafted and agreed the Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and their Carers. She is very committed to human rights based approaches to health and social care and sees this as fundamental to improving service design.
Irene`s work also extended to Europe where she was chair of European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) UK National Liaison Team (NLT), as well as representing Scotland's third sector on the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). As an MSP Irene chaired the European and External Relations Committee for most of her 12 year term. She also served as Chair of the National Dementia Carers Action Network for four years. Irene was educated at Strathclyde University, where she obtained an Honours degree in Politics and a post graduate MSc by Research.
Irene was appointed as Vice Chair from 1 July 2019 and is a member of the Service’s Audit Committee and Clinical Governance Committee.
Irene’s second term of appointment is for four years and runs from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2026.

Steven Gilroy, Employee Director
Steven Gilroy joined the Service as a part time Ambulance Care Assistant in September 1991 at Cumnock Ambulance Station. He progressed through the Service, becoming an Ambulance Technician (1996) and then a Paramedic (1998). During his time as a Paramedic, Steven has worked on Helimed 5 based at the SECC in Glasgow, and as a PRU operative. Steven is also a longstanding member of UNISON and became a Shop Steward in 2002. During this time he filled several roles within the union eventually becoming Convenor, a role he has held for more than 10 years. He is a firm believer in good partnership working. In the role of Employee Director, Steven is the Joint Chair of the National Partnership Forum, a member of the Staff Governance Committee, Remuneration Committee and Trustee of the Benevolent Fund.
Steven was appointed Employee Director from 1 November 2023.

Carol Sinclair, Non Executive Director
Carol Sinclair is a highly experienced senior leader and manager with significant experience in leading and overseeing of the design and delivery of data and digital solutions for the NHS in Scotland. Following retirement from her role as a Chief Officer in Public Health Scotland in summer 2022, she has taken up a part-time role as Strategic Data Adviser to the Digital Health and Care Directorate in the Scottish Government and chairs the national Health & Social Care Data Board.
Carol is the Chair of the Service’s Audit Committee and member of the Clinical Governance Committee. She also serves as a Trustee on Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance.
Carol’s second term of appointment is for four years and runs from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2027.

Madeline Smith, Non Executive Director
Madeline Smith is a chartered engineer with experience from the private, public and academic sectors. She brings expertise in strategy, innovation and evaluation. Madeline works part time for the Glasgow School of Art, as Head of Strategy in the Innovation School where she leads the development and delivery of a portfolio of programmes using design to build the innovative capacity of businesses, public sector organisations and communities.
Madeline also sits on the Board of a number of triple helix collaborations including the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre. She also served as a non executive Board member and Vice Chair of NHS 24 until the end of her term in 2021.
Madeline is the Chair of the Service’s Staff Governance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee.
Madeline’s second term of appointment is for four years and runs from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026

Michael McCormick, Non Executive Director
Michael McCormick joined the police service in 1985 and served in numerous roles, latterly as an Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) with Lothian and Borders Police leading territorial policing, then Deputy Chief Constable with Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary before being appointed to the post of ACC in Police Scotland to lead Local Policing in the East of Scotland and deliver unified Command and Control arrangements for the new single police service. Through his 30 years of police service Mike gained significant experience of leading response to serious incidents and emergencies as well as strategic management and leading organisational and ICT change. Mike retired from policing in March 2015 and served from 2015 to 2023 as a non-executive Board member with NHS 24 which delivers the 111 service in Scotland reinforcing and augmenting his experience in organisational leadership, ICT led change and the Health Service. His service as a member of the Standards Commission for Scotland from 2016 to 2023, promoting ethical standards in public life in Scotland and adjudicating on cases of reported breaches of the Codes of Conduct for Local Councillors and Public Board Members, has increased his understanding of governance and public service oversight.
Mike’s appointment is for four years and runs from 1 December 2023 to 11 November 2027.

Julie Carter, Director of Finance, Logistics and Strategy
Julie Carter is a qualified accountant and worked within the NHS in Glasgow for over 20 years. Before joining the Service in 2019, she was employed by the NHS National Waiting Times Centre Board from 2006 and prior to this she worked as the Deputy Director of Finance in North Glasgow. During her career Julie has been involved in numerous service redesigns and new developments. This has included the creation of the West of Scotland Regional Heart and Lung Centre, the development and implementation of the Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre as an NHS and public sector conference and training facility and the ongoing expansions at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital including the Board’s role in leading the innovation fund on behalf of NHS Scotland. Julie is now responsible for delivering the financial strategy of the Board and she also has responsibility for eHealth, Procurement, Strategic Planning and Estates services within the Service.

Dr Jim Ward, Medical Director
Jim Ward was appointed as Medical Director of the Scottish Ambulance Service in January 2014. Jim graduated from Glasgow University in 1987 and trained as a GP, entering partnership in Easterhouse in 1991 where he developed services tackling substance misuse and diabetes. In 1996 he relocated to Greenock where he continued to work as a GP until 2009. His interests at that time included medical education and clinical governance and he was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of GPs in 2005 in recognition of this work. Following three years as Clinical Director of Inverclyde CHP he moved to take on the role of Medical Director of NHS Western Isles in 2009. His achievements in the Western Isles include leading areas of service improvement and redesign, particularly in acute care and eHealth.

Maggie Watts, Non Executive Director
Maggie Watts recently retired after nine years as Director of Public Health with NHS Western Isles. Having graduated in 1979, she first came to work in the Outer Hebrides as a junior doctor in 1983 before training in General Practice and then in Public Health. Maggie has observed the changes in people’s lifestyles, access to and delivery of services over the past 40 years, more than half of which she has spent living and working in the islands. Maggie has experience of working at Board level and is committed to the provision of healthcare to remote, rural and island areas to help support and preserve the diverse ways of life. As well as being passionate about the health and wellbeing of island populations, she is committed to ensuring the sustainability of islands and their populations, including local action to reduce the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities.

Thane Lawrie, Non Executive Director
Thane Lawrie brings a wealth of experience from a distinguished career spanning the third sector, healthcare, and leadership. As Chief Executive of Scarf for seven years, he transformed the organisation into one of the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For in the UK, while leading efforts to alleviate fuel poverty across Scotland. Thane has held key leadership roles, including as Lead Officer for the Angus Alcohol and Drugs Partnership, where he coordinated multi-agency services to improve outcomes for individuals and communities. His career also includes managing and delivering frontline alcohol and drug treatment services and contributing to academic research on service provision. In addition to joining the Scottish Ambulance Service Board, Thane serves as Chairman of The Haven and Vice Chairman of Scarf, further exemplifying his dedication to community wellbeing and effective governance.
Other members of the Executive Directors Group
(normally in attendance at Board meetings)
- Avril Keen, Director of Workforce
- Emma Stirling, Director of Care Quality and Professional Development
- Paul Bassett, Chief Operating Officer/Deputy Chief Executive
- Stephen Massetti, Director, National Operations
- David Robertson, Regional Director, West
- Milne Weir, Regional Director, North
- Kenny Freeburn, Regional Director East
- Karen Brogan, Director of Strategy, Planning and Programmes