North of Scotland Alternative Providers

Covering Highlands and Skye, Grampian, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland

Organisation Post Code Areas Covered Contact Details Destinations covered Criteria Fees More information
THInC Grampian


      THInC is the Transport to Healthcare Information Centre for the NHS Grampian area.

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Mackays Coaches Dial-a-bus IV24, IV25, KW10 01862 810162 Migdale, Lawson Memorial   yes, free for concession Takes wheelchairs.  Wil take to Raigmore if really stuck but it must fit around school runs
Douglas Jack Dial a-bus PH26 01479 872442 Ian Charles Hospital Can only do local runs around Granton-on-Spey yes, free for concession Take wheelchairs
George Rapson Travel Dial-a-bus IV19, IV20 01862 892166 Can take to nearest bus stop for main route services   yes, free for concession

Take wheel chairs Mon-sat 0900-5.30 

Will not take anyone out with Invergordon area

Ormlie Taxis Dial-a-bus KW14 01847 893434 Takes to Thurso to connect to main bus/train service between 6am - 8am and collect from Thurso between 6pm - 10pm will take to Dunbar Hospital in Thurso yes, free for concession Take wheelchairs if they fold and patient can transfer
Durness Bus IV27-4 01971 511223 route 806 hail and ride can take several passengers with yes, free for concession  
Lochaber Action on Disability PH31, PH33, PH34 01397701171 Belford Hosp only (respite patients only to Nairn, Mallaig and Broadford)   yes Can take wheelchairs
Orkney Dial a bus KW mainland only 01856871515 Balfour Hospital Must fit in around school runs  yes Takes wheelchairs
Transport for Tongue IV27, KW11 01847611766 Caithness Hosp, Dunbar hospital, Raigmore Hospital Patients must reside within 15 mile radius of Tongue yes no w/c's
Caithness Rural Transport KW1-7, KW12,KW14 01955605588 Caithness General and Dunbar Hospital Must be within the Caithness area yes  Can take wheelchairs
CLAN Cancer Elgin IV30-32, IV36, AB37, AB54 - 56, AB45 (Portsoy only) 01343544132 Raigmore, ARI Dr. Gray's, All Aberdeen Cancer patients only,  No but welcome  donations   
Kenny McDonald Minibus HS1, HS2 07847820320 Western Isles Hospital, Island ferry Terminals, Island airports   Yes Takes 1 wheelchair only
Speyside car scheme AB37, AB38, IV30 (Kellas only), IV36 (Dallas only), AB55 (Dufftown and Drummuir ony), AB54 (Cabrach only) 01340 831748 Raigmore, Aberdeen hospitals, Dr Grays

 Over 60

Must be mobile

Membership required

Yes No wheelchairs
Dial M for Moray IV36, Forres area including Dallas, Dyke and Logie, AB54, AB55, keith area including Mulben, Grange, Knock and Drummuir, IV30, IV31 Elgin area including Burghead, Duffus, Birnie, Lossiemouth, Pluscarden, Lochhill and Clackmarras AB37, AB38, AB55 Speyside area including Dufftown, Aberlour and Tomintoul IV32, AB56 Buckie area including Spey Bay, Kingston, Garmouth, Clochan and Cullen 03001234565 Check with provider for hospitals within zones. Buses operate within each postcode zone and do not leave the zone to go anywhere else   Yes but concessions apply Takes wheelchairs 
Dial-a-bus Shetland ZE1 01595 745745 Gilbert Bain Hospital   Free but concessions apply

Takes wheelchairs

Book upto 1630 before day of travel

SW Ross Community Car Scheme IV22, IV54 01445 791436 Broadford, Raigmore  only 1 person in a car at a time plus  Yes per mile No wheelchairs
Go Golspie KW10 O1408634033 Anywhere   No, donations welcome

Can take wheelchairs

Minimal notice required

Wheels in Nairnshire IV2, IV12



Nairn Town & County, Raigmore, Ross Memorial   Yes per mile

Mobile patients

Any age group, children

Dornoch Community Transport IV25


Raigmore and Lawson Memorial    

Do not take wheelchairs

Partnership for Wellbeing IV1, IV2, IV3


Raigmore, Royal Northern Infirmary Advance notice required Subsidised cost

Takes wheelchair. Arm assist.

Operates Monday-Friday 0845-1630