Forthcoming Publications
Scottish Ambulance Service Publications Schedule
Please note the following for all future publications:
In line with all other UK Ambulance Services, from 1st April 2022 the definition of Scottish Ambulance Service response times has changed. The response to patients is now measured from the point at which the acuity of the patient is determined. Under the previous definition, the response was measured from the same point in every 999 call regardless of patient acuity and when the chief complaint is established (T4). Often at this point, the dispatcher has insufficient information to determine the condition of the patient, whether an ambulance needs to be dispatched or some time may have passed since the patient was identified as not breathing or not awake.
Response times will continue to be reported under the previous definition until such time that the new measure is developed and verified. On completion of this process figures from the 4 April 2022 will be retrospectively amended to reflect the new definition. Figures from 4 April 2022 will be marked as provisional until this amendment is made.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
19/03/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
26/03/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
02/04/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
09/04/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
16/04/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
23/04/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
30/04/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
07/05/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
14/05/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
21/05/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.
Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics
28/05/2025 09:30
This release by the Scottish Ambulance Service provides a weekly update of key statistics on unscheduled care operational measures across Scotland. The information includes trends in the number of incidents, responses, conveyances to hospital, response times and hospital turnaround times.