Purchasing an Automated External Defibrillator

There are a significant number of Automated External Defibrillators available and they all work in same manner with easy to follow audio and visual prompts and instructions.
The Scottish Ambulance Service works with many AED's and cannot recommend which AED would be best for your community.
Displayed below is a list of companies we have been working with and represents some of the AED's available for purchase. Each contact can provide further information about the cost and features of each AED.
The Phillips FRx AED is compatible with Scottish Ambulance Service crew defibrillators and is used by our Community First Responders.
Please contact:
Martin Quinn at martin.quinn@laerdal.com for more information
Physio - Control
Stryker - Lifepak/HeartSine
Lifepak CR2 units are used as standard by St Andrews First Aid units in Scotland.
Please contact Joy Hunter at joy.hunter@stryker.com for more information.
Zoll AED Plus; nominated supplier through the British Heart Foundation part funded Defibrillator initiative.
Please contact:
LWestcott@zoll.com or gmccarry@zoll.comfor more information
WEL Medical
The IPAD SP1 is used in Public Access sites for communities and charities across Scotland.
Please contact: Andy Nicol – Regional Manager - Scotland
Email – andy.nicol@welmedical.com
Mobile – 07872058041
Office – 01252344007
We work with the following charities which can help with funding or get you the AED at cost price.
SADs UK – sadsuk.org.uk
British Heart Foundation – www.bhf.org.uk
St John Scotland - www.stjohnscotland.org.uk/projects/at-home/public-access-defibrillators
Remember if you purchase an AED to register it with the Circuit.