Air Ambulance Re-Procurement

The Scottish Ambulance Service's air ambulance operation is wholly funded by the Scottish Government. The Service operates two helicopters: one based in Glasgow and one in Inverness, as well as two fixed wing aircraft: one based at Aberdeen Airport and the other at Glasgow Airport. All aircraft are operated on a 24/7 basis and are fitted out to a clinical specification developed by the Scottish Ambulance Service. In addition to the four government funded aircraft the service is supplemented by two helicopters provided by Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance. These aircraft are based in Perth and Aberdeen and are available 12 hours per day.
The Air Ambulance Service mainly transfers patients to and from hospital from remote, rural and island communities, this includes providing air ambulance services to support ScotSTAR retrieval teams. The aircraft used by the Air Ambulance Service are provided as part of a managed contract which is currently due to expire.
A project team has been established to support the award of a new Air Ambulance contract, and an important task for the team is to consult with all stakeholders. The Service anticipates a wide range of opinions and aspirations for how the Air Ambulance Service might be developed. By the same token, it is necessary to continue to operate an affordable service which provides value for money.
Following the consultation exercise, the formal process of selecting a provider for the new air ambulance contract will begin.
Download the Air Ambulance Re-procurement Project Phase 1 and 2 Consultation and Engagement Report.
Get involved
The Scottish Ambulance Service wants to make sure it gathers opinions from everyone with a view on this important element of the Service before air ambulance arrangements are renewed.
It is conducting a wide-ranging consultation across patients and the public, healthcare partners and Service staff and there are a number of ways you let the Service know what you think.
If you wish to express your views on any aspect of the service, please get in touch by emailing us at
Download the Air Ambulance Re-Procurement Leaflet