Engaging with our Communities

To help us improve the care we provide to you, it is important that we hear your views about what you like, what you would like changed and how you think we can improve our service.
There are a number of ways you can do this:
Send feedback to our Patient Feedback Team
Tell your story on Care Opinion - Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, which runs the Care Opinion website, where patients can tell their story about their experience of the NHS. This is a site where you can share your experiences of the ambulance service.
Our Aims
The Community Involvement Team involve people in different ways, and use peoples feedback, comments and suggestions to help to improve the Service. By including patients and the public in our work, we can help to change and improve the way care and services are delivered.
We aim to:
- Educate patients and public on our services and ways to access and use them
- Learn from our patients and actively seek-out their feedback, concerns and ideas to improve our services
- Involve and engage with a wide range of patients, service users, carers, the public, IJBs, the Third-Sector and stakeholders to create an open relationship with the Service
- Create closer working relationships across the Service and between departments to promote the benefits of involving people in our work.
Involving People Network
If you want to become more involved in our work you can join our Involving People Network. It is made up of members of the public; people who have used the service; patient group representatives and other services and organisations who have registered their interest and support to be involved in our Service.
There are a number of activities that our members carry out, and you can pick the ones you want to be involved in, for example:
- Taking part in our National and Regional Involving People Group/s
- Attending Service meetings to provide the patient perspective
- Undertaking surveys
- Reviewing and critiquing Service documents, including guidelines on specific events
- Being part of Service media events
- Giving us your patient story
To find out more and to apply, please get in touch with the team here.
The Dispatch
All Network members will receive a copy of ‘The Dispatch’, which is our quarterly Newsletter that will let you know about the work we have done in partnership with Network members and other news from around the Service.
You can read the latest edition here.
Involving People Strategy
Our Involving People Strategy outlines our commitment to people across Scotland. We are proud of the fact that it is short, simple and to the point.
It is probably unlike any strategy you have read, because we want everyone to be able to read it and hold our feet to the fire when we are not doing what we said we would.
We produced the strategy in partnership with our National Involving People Network, community groups, Third-Sector partners, and staff from across our Service. We want this to be a clear statement of intent, one welcomed by the public, and one our staff can proudly stand behind.